Child Abuse & Infidelity: My Story, Pt. 2

Season 5 - Episode #12

Coming on the heels of the first of a 3 part mini-series.  In last week's episode, I shared a surprise that would lead me down a dark path of discovery, highlighting significant traumas early in my life.  

I've been told that my willingness to share will help others. If you are wondering if I received help dealing with these traumas----the answer is yes.  As I advise anyone of my grieving clients to seek the guidance of a trained professional, I did the same.

In the spirit of the Super Survivor theme of this season, I have managed to change the trajectory of my life and those who come after me.   

Cheers and be well.  

#traumarecovery #traumahealing #SuperSurvivor #ChildAbusePreventionMonth #childabuse #therapy #healingjourney #healingtrauma #FinancialPlanning #FinancialAdvisor

#healthyboundaries #healthyboundariesmatter #boundaries #boundariesarehealthy #boundariesareimportant #boundariesmatter #howtohelpafterloss #helpagrievingfriend #grief #griefjourney #lossofalovedone #lossofaparent #lossofachild #ElderlyCare #caregiversupport #caregiver #caregivertips #caregiving #caregiverlife #caregiverburnout #therightteam #financialplanner #hospice #mentorship

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Chris Dale